They have a lot of weird names going on the menu..ex..Zombie, Graveyard, 911 and bla bla bla..
Well...thats okay...
ONE thing that shocked me was this...
Did you see that SEX WITH THE BITCH ??!!
Omg..and worse thing only cost RM20.00
Oh my...this is much more cheaper than Ocean's....
Zombie, Sex on the Beach, Flaming Lambo, Sunset and screwdriver are all common cocktail names. It's not just Eleven.
But the Sex with the Bitch, that one I have year to hear of before.
Das Connection
hehehe that's not shocking. on a menu here, there's a blowjob and wet dreams hehehe :)
if you haven't try that, ask the waiter/waitress about it, "Hey, does a blowjob tastes good?" hahahaha!!! my friends has fun with that!
you don't go to bars or clubs often, do you?
look up the shooters/shots section of the menu, if that place has one. cocksucking cowboy's an example
lol...swt one
get out of that shop lah
a 'Lawl' for you. =]
the bar is in penang AutoCity XD
jordan : sex with the bitch is cool~
boris : serious ? they have blowjob ? I wanna try..
kok : ??
jason : yes..indeed~
lara : I'm already out..haha!
kei joe : which one ??
haha its just an expression.. and I know you know
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
hapi : thanks alot for the info..have a nice day!
lara : lol..yeap..of course I know it..=)
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